Current Visual Studies Dual-Title Students
Shelby Civils, German, horror and Dark Romantic film genres, landscape art
Sara Arribas Colmenar, Spanish, dance and performance, theater, body representation, gender, modernism and the avant-garde
Joseph Glinbizzi, English, contemporary American novels, digitality and the phenomenology of reading, film and media studies
Suchitra Harnahalli, German, theatrical staging and performance, museums, monuments, and memorials
Michael Mclaughlin, German, Nazi-era occultism, comics, film, and contemporary representations of genocide
Sierra S. Parker, English, visual rhetoric, sensation and experience, multimodal composition as applied to artificial intelligence, memory, art
Emma Rossby, French and Francophone Studies, comics and graphic novels, memory and popular culture
Abby Ryder-Huth, Comparative Literature, word as image, early modern print technologies, engraving, the body, histories of illustration, and ekphrasis
Ana Sofia Semo Garcia, Spanish, Jewish Diaspora in Latin America, the aesthetics of memory, cultural identity, memory, and nostalgia in photography, film, and art
Merve Sen, Comparative Literature, film, art, ethics and aesthetics of health and care in modern and contemporary narratives
Current Visual Studies Graduate Minor Students
Adam DeCaulp, Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, film noir, spacilizing violence, temporality of the cut, chromatic intimacy, visual positionality
Celine O’Hara, Art Education, archival traces and memory studies, studio practice, artefactual autoethnographies, messianic and Derridean temporality
Visual Studies Dual-Title Graduates
Kathryn Boyer, Ph.D. in English and Visual Studies, 2024. Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Randolph College. Dissertation title: “Fair Creature of an Hour”: Romantic Ballet and Its Affects of Disfigurement. Interests: Romantic ballet and performance, affect theory.
Jacqueline García Suárez, Ph.D. in Spanish and Visual Studies, 2023. Assistant Professor of Caribbean Studies, Columbia University. Dissertation title: El cuerpo (des)enritmado: Rompiendo con la habituación a la violencia en Cuba y Puerto Rico. Interests: Caribbean and diasporic literature, film, performance, and visual art; memory and trauma, displacement.
Camila Gutiérrez-Fuentes, Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Visual Studies, 2023. Assistant Professor of Video Games, CollegeUC and the Department of Communications at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Dissertation title: The Origins, Migrations, and Queer Imaginations of Global Women’s Comics Cultures. Interests: Japanese literature and visual culture, global graphic narratives, gender and sexuality, participatory culture.
Rebecca Haddaway, Ph.D. in English and Visual Studies, 2024. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in English, the Pennsylvania State University. Dissertation Title: Medical Discourse and Antislavery Resistance in the Early American Republic. Interests: early American and transatlantic medecine; history and visualities of the body; abolitionism, geography, death, disease, and healing.
Dina Mahmoud, Ph.D in Comparative Literature and Visual Studies, 2024. Michigan Society Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Dissertation title: Reading Literatism and (Il)Literacies Across the Sudanese and Lebanese Civil Conflicts, Arab/ic art and literature, reception studies, comics, graffiti and performance.
Hannah A. Matangos, Ph.D. in German and Visual Studies, 2023. Program Assistant, Art of the Rural. Dissertation title: Light/Play: Art, Vision, and Futures since 1920. Interests: light-based art, photography and materiality, experimental cinema, ecocritical video game studies.
Aaron Montalvo, Ph.D. in English and Visual Studies, 2024. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Pennsylvania State University. Dissertation title: Accounts of Exploitation and Stories of Sustainability: Narrating the Nature of Resources in the Modern American West. Interests: ecocriticism, narrativizing spatial and visual understandings of the American West, environmental art, film”
Robert Nguyen, Ph.D. in English and Visual Studies, 2023. Assistant Professor of English, Lycoming College. Dissertation Title: Silicon Valley Stories: Repetitions, Recursions, and Infinite Loops. Interests: television, film, and media studies; speculative fiction; Asian American studies., popular culture, speculative fiction, and representations of computing technology in film, television, and literature
Ibis Sierra Audivert, Ph.D in Spanish and Visual Studies, 2023. Fellow of the Consortium for Faculty Diversity and Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish, Davidson College. Dissertation title: Cultural Displacements: Intellectual Genealogies in the Latin American Queer Neobaroque (1950-1990). Interests: gender and sexualities, migration and diasporas, Latin American intellectual history, Black and Latina feminisms and the Caribbean, Latino/a feminism, emotion and affects.
Chrisann Zuerner, Ph.D. in German and Visual Studies, 2023. Assistant Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Virginia. Dissertation title: Shattered Frames, Re-Imagined Pasts: Objects of Memory in the Works of Maja Haderlap, Melinda Nadj Abonji, and Marica Bodrožić . Interests film, material representations of migration, memory, and trauma.